Virtualization Options LLC
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Boulder, CO USA (HQ) +1 970-373-2576
Sunnyvale, CA USA +1 408-675-7580
Washington DC USA +1 202-600-2920
Virtualization Options LLC is a Technology Research, Education and Advisory Organization with its Corporate Headquarters in Boulder, Colorado USA
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Virtualization Options LLC is a Technology Research, Education and Advisory Organization.
We help empower organizations to build highly efficient, effective, agile, reliable, cost-effective and secure IT systems and services.
To protect the security and privacy of our clients and their confidential/proprietary information, processes and relationships and avoid any potential conflicts of interest, our evaluation and advisory functions, including to the organizations themselves, and those requested by outside organizations including lenders, investors, potential or current customers, government agencies, regulatory bodies or insurance underwriters, are, with very few exception, are performed under strict NDAs/CDAs.
"The Information in these Research Papers and Audio Presentations are by Virtualization Options LLC.
They are intended to serve as a general guide and is provided As-Is for Informational Purposes only and shall not be construed as Legal, Accounting, Regulatory, Tax or any other Professional Advice nor is it sufficient to satisfy any legal, accounting, regulatory, tax or other professional requirements..
The reader and listener should always consult their own legal, accounting, tax or regulatory professional for advice".